

Hello! I am Laura and you've found my little corner of the web. I used to blog extensively about just my life, then I decided I wanted to blog about fitness, then I decided I wanted to blog about video games - now I've decided I'm going to compile them all and let you all deal with it. They're nicely filtered at the top!

I was born & raised in Hong Kong, yes, my English is good and yes, I have an English accent I went to an international school and my father is English. SO, since that's out the way. 

I came to the UK in 2011 to study Film at the University of Warwick, a degree which I obtained July 2014. I am now continuing my studies in a different direction, studying a masters in Game Design at Kingston University London. I also work part time at Sweaty Betty, which is awesome, because I now am stockpiling workout gear.

I fell in love with games at a young age. Sure, everyone had a Pokemon phase: I had Pokemon blue and a hand me down gameboy from a family friend. I started with Charmander (because I had absolutely no clue what I was doing) and couldn't beat Brock. So, I naturally played the game until my Charmander had evolved into a Charizard and finally beat him. I was surprised when I found out there was more.  I am now continuing on my quest to become a Games Designer. Whilst I have a decent head for coding and can kind of form stuff with a pencil, it's the design part of the games industry that I really want to play in. Throughout my gaming hobby, it's always been the systems I've been obsessed with - how do they level? What's the battle system like? WHAT ARE THE RULES OF THIS FICTIONAL, INTERACTIVE UNIVERSE?

So here you will find my musings and long-winded ramblings on games. Some may be on games that I'm playing, on games I'm looking forward to playing, or whatever's just popped into my head that very day.

On the complete other hand, we have my other main passion. HEALTH & FITNESS. I'm a cardio fiend turned lifting rookie who is aiming to get stronger and better by the day. I lift about 4-5x a week and still run occasionally when my heart's in it (and also because it is literally good for the heart.) Under health and fitness, I will be posting my recipes and food, and little bits and thoughts on fitness.

Essentially, I ran out of people to talk about Final Fantasy and Fitness with, so I created a blog.

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